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Holy War - 4th international world

Holy War - 4th international world

Today a brand new international world opened in the medieval browsergame Holy War. This is the first new world since the big battle update and the introduction of the battle fatigue in December.

The big December update had a rocky start – but everything is smoothed out again and all the new features can now be used to their full potential!

The city battles allow every order to conquer the cities on the Holy War world map. This puts the focus back on the most interesting part of Holy War: The war between the confessions and orders.

Furthermore, the new battle fatigue creates more excitement in the battles.

As usual, the player can choose and change the language of the game at any time and can also switch between the eleven languages of the shoutbox.

So put on your armour and join the fight! Now is the best opportunity to take the top of the highscores – for veteran players who want to try out the new features as well as for new players who would like to test the successful medieval browsergame classic.

The GameArt Studio Team wishes all its players much fun conquering the cities and meeting new people in the new world of Holy War!


Graphics Holy War:


About Holy War:


About GameArt Studio:

GameArt Studio was founded in Berlin, 2006, and quickly became one of the most innovative developers and publishers of online games.

All GameArt Studio games are multiplayer online games that allow players from all around the world to play together. Furthermore, all GameArt Studio games are free-to-play.

The four published games of GameArt Studio "Holy War", "Tagoria", "A.I. War" and "Glory Wars" are enjoyed by a worldwide community.


Contact und further Information:
GameArt Studio GmbH
Bismarckstraße 107
10625 Berlin, Germany

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