1.Avalon RPG Avalon the Legend Lives is a text-based Multi-User Dungeon ( MUD ) online roleplaying game started in 1989. It can be played from your browser or a MUD client. https://www.avalon-rpg.com/
2.Shattered Kingdoms Shattered Kingdoms is a sword and sorcery fantasy roleplaying game, played online by many people at the same time who each roleplay a different character. https://www.shatteredkingdoms.org/
3.SK Logs Logs site for Shattered Kingdoms MUD game. https://sk.omgspider.com/
4.The Two Towers MUD The Two Towers MUD is a free, text-based multiplayer online RPG set entirely within Tolkien's world of Middle-earth. Now playable through Flash! https://t2tmud.org/